FYI: Border Patrol Prepares to Deploy Robot Dogs As 'Force Multiplier'
The robots have long-range and night vision cameras.
A research and development arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it has been working with the Philadelphia-based company Ghost Robotics to develop a robot dog for the border.
DHS and Border Patrol are working together to eventually deploy Ghost Robotic's "dogs" on the border, in particular desert terrain.
Terminator dogs will supposedly act as a "force multiplier" for CBP in patrols and interdiction.…
Remember how companies like Boston Dynamics spent the last few years posting 'cute' videos of them dancing and doing tricks?
Jack Herrera @jherrerx
Are you still gonna think they’re “cute” when they’re stomping on people’s faces?
Jack Herrera @jherrerx
Fuck this dystopian crime against humanity.
Jack Herrera @jherrerx
this is disgusting and horrifying. The US is further militarizing the southern border and automating the murder of people at the border
Jack Herrera @jherrerx
we live in a nightmare
Jack Herrera @jherrerx